Monthly Archives: November, 2015

Scenes From Behind the Third Wall

Kimmel1Since my birthday was on a Tuesday this year, I decided to spice up the weekday that has the reputation of having the least personality with something a little different: get tickets to see Jimmy Kimmel Live. Before moving to L.A., I had gone to a handful of Late Night with David Letterman tapings when he was with NBC, back when you had to WRITE IN to request tickets. Of course in 2015 that whole process is handled online – in JKL’s case by an entity called 1iota that makes sure everyone is officially screened before receiving confirmation to attend a show on your chosen date.

After being waitlisted for 11/17, I got an email a few weeks later telling me we were in! Babysitter secured for the appointed day, Irene and I hopped on the priority ticketholders line at about 2:30 p.m., where for the next 90 minutes we had our IDs checked, filled out non-disclosure forms and went through a security check before heading inside to be seated.

A segment was planned where the audience asks questions and try to guess who People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive would be this year (David Beckham live on a Skype feed). In the queue outside, each audience member was given a card to fill out with their name and respective question, so about a dozen people who got picked were assigned aisle seats and asked their question during the segment.

I happened to be sitting in the third seat next to two such people and received quite a bit of airtime (on the left side of the screen). Watching it back that night, I suppose we appeared presentable enough, so as they say in talk show land, we have a clip (see the 1:58, 3:18 and 3:57 marks and Irene and I together at 4:21):

The guest list wasn’t that exciting – actor Josh Hutcherson from the Hunger Games movies, some ongoing science teacher dude who presented an array of experiments and band Walk the Moon, which you don’t actually get to see because they perform on an outdoor stage behind the studio for another whole different audience.

Back inside, the energy was high with the house comedian doing his thing between segments, including tossing out t-shirts to the audience, not one of which was thrown my way despite the fact that it was my birthday! Oh well. When the show let out at about 5:30, we headed over to the nearby Pink’s Hot Dogs to close out my Tuesday-tailored birthday festivities!

Guest Blogger: Benchmark B-Day #3

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By M.J. Dunphy

One would think that after two amazing experiences for previous decade birthdays, one would be jaded and a tad ho-hum about one’s 80th celebration.

Guess again. Even with the help of the Internet and some basic research on Manuel Antonio, we were little prepared for the beauty and diversity of our destination. Manuel Antonio is a small oceanside village located off Costa Rica’s central Pacific coast. The region is a treasure for biodiversity, with 109 species of mammals and 184 species of birds, some of which are extinct in other parts of the world. It’s also “monkey” heaven, with friendly and assertive white-headed capuchin monkeys who think nothing of joining the humans for dinner or at least helping themselves to the bananas sitting on the dining room table.

But I am getting ahead of myself! We departed Philly in typical late November autumn weather to find ourselves a few hours later setting down at the San Jose International Airport in sunny, warm Costa Rica. Staying overnight in San Jose allowed us to travel inland to Manuel Antonio in full daylight on Saturday and not miss any of the scenery, including a short stop to hang out with alligators, locals and other turistas along the way!

Appearing as if poised for our arrival, we reached Manuel Antonio and our villa, Casa Las Brisas, sitting at the edge of the rainforest. This distinctive vacation rental is managed by Escape and was our home for the next magical week. Pictures don’t do it justice; let’s just say it was like dropping into a movie set with jungle greenery, a pool on each level and privacy for our family and friends to hang out and relax. The staff, including a private chef, quickly became family. The meals were divine for the 23 of us, ages 2 to 80. We chose local foods that were cooked to perfection!

My goal was to zip line for my 80th birthday and Safari Adventures certainly delivered on the adrenaline rush we sought via a canopy zip line that was utterly awesome and topped off with a typical and yummy Costa Rican lunch and a splash in the crystalline waters at the end of the line.

All in all, the week sped by, but not before leaving a million memories and impressions of friendly, hospitable people all along the way; of moments with my loved ones that will last forever; my birthday dinner with everyone around the huge table dressed in tee shirts (made on-site for the occasion) that announced “Granny’s 80th birthday adventure”; sunrises and sunsets worth filming; a walk on the beach hand-in-hand with my son, John; a yellow hibiscus in my hair in honor of my mom. Our Thanksgiving meal overflowing with gratitude for all that was, all that is and all that will be! Amen.

I leave you with Costa Rica’s national greeting: Pura Vida. Simply, “life is good here.” It is and it shows in the broad smiles and generous hearts of this gentle country’s people.